Free Facebook on Globe Tattoo

I made a discovery the other night with Globe Tattoo.

I disconnected from my router's connection.
Plugged in the Globe Tattoo to the USB port.
Connected to the internet with zero balance.
Went to
Clicked on "Check your Facebook status"

Then I was amazed that it led me to the Facebook Mobile status page. I updated my status just to see if it was free, lo and behold it updated. I tried visiting other people's profile, still worked. Then it stopped when I logged out.

Okay, from my understanding, while connected on the internet, log into your Facebook account, checkmark the "Keep me logged in" box and DO NOT log out. That's it!

Anytime you connect to the internet with your Globe Tattoo (with zero balance), just go to: and if you're already logged in, then it worked! If not, then I guess, you load up your Globe Tattoo and connect to Facebook Mobile and don't log out.

I only tried this on my laptop.
